Undead Unluck


Undead Unluck


After finishing her favorite manga and grappling with a decade-long curse that brings tragedy to those around her, Fuuko Izumo contemplates ending her life on a bridge. A peculiar touch from a man, Andy, results in his apparent death by train, but he unexpectedly regenerates. Both seeking death, Fuuko and Andy join forces to navigate their immortal existence. However, a mysterious organization seeks to exploit their unusual abilities, adding complexity to their journey.

Anime Information:

Actor:                                Fuuko Izumo
Country:                           Japan
Director:                            Yuki Yase
Language:                        Japanese
Release Date:                   October 7, 2023
Studio:                             David Production

File Information:

Formate:                 MKV
Resolution:             1080p
Time Doration:       23 minutes
File Size:                   150 mb

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