In an unforeseen turn of events, a young Japanese salaryman meets his demise through a gunshot only to be reborn in an alternate, fantastical realm by a benevolent goddess. Reincarnated as Luciel, a teenager bestowed with the gift of healing magic, he is determined to ensure a prolonged and joyful existence. To achieve this, Luciel diligently dedicates himself to self-improvement in this new and enchanting world..
Anime Information:
Actor: Luciel (ルシエル, Rushieru)
Country: Japan
Director: Masato Tamagawa
Language: Japanese
Release Date: July 14, 2023 – September 29, 2023
Studio: Yokohama Animation Laboratory
File Information:
Formate: MKV
Resolution: 1080p
Time Doration: 23 minutes
File Size: 150 mb